To start up of this blog it will be useful to populate the site, to do this I came to the conclusion it would make the most sense to publish writing for 30 consequtive days.
I don’t lacking the thought, writing or idea to accomplish it, I just lack the commitment to publish regularly. Thus getting used to it seems to make the most sense.
This site has an rss feed under /atom.xml if you want to follow the writing.
I will start with a mission statement tomorrow, talking about what this blog is supposed to be and then continue the next 29 days with information that is hopefully not just meta info.
Update 14th September 2024
The initial goal, mentioned above, has not worked out, I’ve been able to write regularly for 14 days but afterwards fallen into an unproductive slump. Being too considerate of not publishing bad writing or writing that I see myself as useless I’ve decided to put a halt to it.
Now I’m in a better mood again but won’t be able to write everyday, the following writing will be less regular but hopefully better.