mission statement


Hello stranger, let me lay down for you what the purpose of this website is supposed to be.

I believe thought to be of a certain nature, a nature that on one hand needs to be put to the test and on the other to be shared.

And putting my thoughts up on a website is probably a good way to go about it.

As you also may have guessed, the website is anonymized as to not have my name attached to it, allowing me to put more raw ideas out there without having to fear losing a job.

The content of the page is comprised of whatever concepts I’ve looked deeper into, read about or otherwise spent time tinkering with to hopefully end up having a worthwhile opinion to share.

Currently I am thinking about the following topics: autonomy as in personal and technological independence, self help, my distrust towards giant cooperations and other ramblings.

I’ve also put up a notes and books section to publish writing that is not worth a full post and book reviews that contain thoughts and interpretation. Goal of this is to keep those more neatly seperated.

Lastly, I am keeping posts subject to change, with an exception for opinions, which will be explained in the next paragraph. I intuit that adding arguments and further info to i.e. reviews can improve their readability and thus value. Those changes and additions will then be marked accordingly to not confuse the reader.

If posts are opinions, then I’ll consider improving their language only for better comprehension.

I hope you enjoy.